
Week 6 - Reverse Engineering \\ Part 1

This session is about Reverse Engineering. Most of the software we use everyday is closed source. You don't have the liberty to look at the source code, at this point we need to analyze the available compiled binary. Reversing a binary is no easy task but can be done with the proper methodology and the right tools. This is exactly what two of world's best reverse engineers are going to teach you.

Lecture Videos

  1. Reverse Engineering 101
  2. Reverse Engineering 102 [slides]

Workshop Materials

In this section we will go through the basic idea of a binary and how your source code is converted into an executable form. We will then look at the assembly language used by executable programs and develop our own low level programs. We will write simple assembly language programs and teach the basic skills needed to understand more complex assembly language uses.

  1. Assembly Programming Exercises


  1. Reverse Engineering
  2. Application Security
  3. IDA Demo
  4. x86 Win32 Reverse Engineering Cheatsheet
  5. IDA Pro Shortcuts
  6. All Materials for Introductory Intel x86
  7. Reverse Engineering
  8. nasm
  9. x86 Intel Manuals