
Week 7 - Reverse Engineering \\ Part 2

Picking up from previous session, we will watch the last video on Reverse Engineering, and present you with an application which has no source code. Your job is to understand what the application is doing and figure out any loopholes present in that application. You'll use static analysis tools like IDA and varied dynamic analysis to analyze the binary and get a complete understanding of the application.

Lecture Videos

  1. Dynamic Reverse Engineering [slides]

Workshop Materials

  1. Challenge Application 1
  2. Challenge Application 2


  1. Reverse Engineering
  2. Application Security
  3. IDA Demo
  4. x86 Win32 Reverse Engineering Cheatsheet
  5. IDA Pro Shortcuts
  6. All Materials for Introductory Intel x86
  7. Reverse Engineering
  8. nasm
  9. x86 Intel Manuals